The Irish Lake House

by Colleen Coleman

Oh, what a joy! New (to me) author writing about one of my favorite places (Ireland) in a deliciously delightful chick lit (and God, I hate that term but as the author uses it, I will this once) novel.

Enter Daisy Clark, a talented book illustrator working feverishly to please her boss (which is near to impossible) and her status driven boyfriend Ash (only concerned with money and appearances). She is in a rut. She had a wonderful relationship with her Mom Rose who tragically passed away when Daisy was a child. No father around so Daisy was shipped off to foster care where she became lifelong friends with Kayla (as a sidekick, she’s adorable). Enter James, a lawyer with news of an inheritance of a house on the Isle of Innisfree, the very place where her Mom was from. Exit London for Ireland, where Daisy can check out the scenery and claim the house. Ash wants her to put it up for sale so they can buy a large home together. Kayla joins Daisy (and thank you for leaving the Ash(ole) behind) as they travel there together. The house is in much disrepair and will take many months to fix it up. Oh darn. The people of Innisfree are all wonderful, friendly and a hoot.

I loved loved loved this story, the characters and while it is somewhat predictable, the journey to the end is soooo enjoyable. I will definitely be reading more of Coleman’s books.

Thanks very much to Netgalley and Bookouture for the ARC.

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