
“Books are the plane, and the train, and the road. They are the destination, and the journey. They are home.” ― Anna Quindlen, How Reading Changed My Life

I have been reading since the time I could walk.  50 years later and I read approximately 150 books a year.  I want each author to take me to a land, a time, a place of their choosing.  I am merely along for the ride. I am a Massage Therapist and a book reviewer for the American Library Association’s magazine, “Booklist”. They choose the books and send them to me, I never know what will be in the mysterious package.  Exciting, isn’t it? YES!!!

I read many different genres of books, because I love diversity, sociology and culture. So, that being said, you might find books about African American literature, books about Buddhism or Muslim, or a gay or lesbian love story.  I don’t believe in just reading what is familiar, that’s a good way to miss out.

I live with my family in Colorado and we all enjoy the beautiful outdoors.  I love nature and all animals.  I believe in spirituality and diversity in all things. Enjoy cooking, hiking, bicycling and healthy living.  Learning to play the guitar and practicing tai chi.  Thank you for being here.

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Conceptual spaces: politics, philosophy, art, literature, religion, cultural history

kat loves books

When Reading is just not enough, and the urge to share is overwhelming, you just have to blog.

James J. Cudney

Best Selling Author of Family Drama & Mystery Fiction

Felicia Denise, Author

Living. Loving. One Emotion At A Time.


line by line by line


Opinion, insights, thrift, creativity, humor, health, style (or basically all the stuff that interests me😊)


A site for the Barsetshire Diaries Books and others

you are beloved

the online home of rev. junia joplin

Anne Grange Writing

I will help you to tell your story.


Just another WordPress.com weblog

Thinking Pacifism

Reflections on peace and faith

Grace J Reviewerlady

Always honest, never unkind

Iris Graville - Author

Believes everyone has a story to tell.

Thistle Finch

Field notes for free spirits

Brave Spaces

A Quaker Journal

The Postmodern Quaker

An experiment in publishing by George Amoss Jr.

The Wickeds

Wicked Good Mysteries

Sue Rovens

Suspense Lives Here